CAUCUS Structures
The ANC Political Committee is responsible for the overall political guidance of the organisation’s Parliamentary Caucus and the Office of the Chief. Among its chief responsibilities, the Committee provides strategic direction to Caucus on macro political matters within the institution. This includes, inter alia, proper political management of the ANC cadres deployed in Parliament and guiding Caucus and its study groups.
The Political Committee is a subcommittee of the NEC. Within the context of the relevant Constitutional and Legal framework, the Political Committee carries the responsibility to ensure the implementation of ANC policies and decisions with regard to the functioning of Parliament.
The Political Committee is appointed by the NEC/NWC.
Members of the Political Committee
- TR Modise
- LS Tsenoli
- NA Masondo
- SE Lucas
- PMP Majodina
- DE Dlakude
- SJ Mohai
- NN Mapisa-Nqakula
- NG Pandor
- GS Mantashe
- TA Didiza
- NC Dlamini-Zuma
- Pemmy Castelina Majodina (Chief Whip)
- Doris Eunice Dlakude (Deputy Chief Whip)
- Nosiviwe Mapisa - Nqakula (Speaker of the NA)
- Amos Masondo (NCOP Chair)
- Sylvia via Lucas (NCOP Dep. Chair)
- Seiso Mohai (NCOP Chief Whip)
- Jomo Nyambi (NCOP House Chair)
- Cedric Frolick,(NA House Chair)
- Joe Maswanganyi
- Gerhardus Koornhof
- Desmond Moela
- Dikgang Stock
- Qubudile Richard Dyantyi
- Mncedisi Nontsele
- Grace Borotho
- Madala Louis David Ntombela (NA House Chair)
- Bheki Radebe
- Hope Papo
- Minah Lesoma
- Zoyisile Edward Njadu
- Mika Mahlaule
- Cyril Xaba
- Grace Tseke
The Office of the Chief Whip is the central coordination point of all the activities of ANC in Parliament. All operational structures and the work of the individual Whips is directed and coordinated from this point. The Office of the Chief Whip consists of the Chief Whip of the Majority Party, the Deputy Chief Whip of the Majority Party, the Chief Whip of the NCOP and the various Whips in the National Assembly and the NCOP.
Leadership in The Whippery
ANC Chief Whip
ANC Deputy Chief Whip
ANC NCOP Chief Whip
Yunus Ismael Carrim
Sfiso Norbert Buthelezi
Melina Matshediso Gomba
Heinrich Giovanni April
Sharome Renay Van Schalkwyk
Nhlanhla Vincent Xaba
Bonginkosi Emmanuel Nzimande
Bhekizizwe Abram Radebe
Mandla Rayi
Albert Mammoga Seabi
Machwene Rosina Semenya
Lindiwe Ntombikayise Mjobo
Seiso Joel Mohai
Terence Skhumbuzo Mpanza
Azwihangwisi Faith Muthambi
Elleck Mamagase Nchabeleng
Zukiswa Cheryl Ncitha
Stella Tembisa Ndabeni-Abrahams
Nokuzola Ndongeni
Zwelivelile Mandlesizwe Dalibhunga Mandela
Mohlopi Phillemon Mapulane
Simanga Happy Mbuyane
Dikeledi Gladys Mahlangu
Mbangiseni David Mahlobo
Fikile Zacharia Majola
Lusizo Sharon Makhubela-Mashele
Tshoganetso Mpho Adolphin Gasebonwe-Tongwane
Sahlulele Luzipo
Dikeledi Phillistus Magadzi
Phoebe Noxolo Abraham-Ntantiso
Bongani Thomas Bongo
Ndumiso Capa
Shipokosa Paul Mashatile
Alexandra Jennifer Beukes
Grace Kekulu Tseke
Madala Louis David Ntombela
Enock Muzi Mthethwa
Nkosiyakhe Amos Masondo
Mkhacani Joseph Maswanganyi
Mervyn Alexander Dirks
Alice Hlebani Mthembu
Mosa Steve Chabane
Wilma Susan Newhoudt-Druchen
Gijimani Jim Skosana
Regina Mina Mpontseng Lesoma
Jerome Joseph Maake
Masefako Clarah Dikgale
Dorries Eunice Dlakude
Nombuyiselo Gladys Adoons
Mfana Robert Mashego
Elvis Kholwana Siwela
Nompendulo Thobile Mkatshwa
Walter Tebogo Letsie
Annah Gela
Matthew Wolmarans
Mosebenzi Joseph Zwane
Moji Moshodi
Claudia Nonhlanhla Ncube-Ndaba
Amos Fish Mahlalela
Sibongile Mchunu
Nomalungelo Gina
Nocawe Noncedo Mafu
Rachel Cecilia Adams
Nkhensani Kate Bilankulu
Alvin Botes
Rosemary Nokuzola Zoleka Capa
Beauty Nomvuzo Dlulane
Mary-Ann Lindelwa Dunjwa
All ANC public representatives are allocated to Study Groups and each Study Group is headed by a Study Group Chairperson and is politically managed by a Whip.The core function of the Study Group is to do political work on the legislative programme before the Committee, political oversight in respect to matters coming before it, and formulate ANC policy for the relevant focus area. In doing this work the Study Group ensures that ANC policies find practical expression. The Study Group Chairperson is the political authority in the Study Group. It is his/her function to provide political leadership to the members of the Study Group on behalf of Caucus.
The Whip deployed to a Study Group functions as the political manager of the Study Group on delegated authority by the Chief Whip.
The Chairperson, together with the Whip and staff component of the Study Group, compose the Study Group Management Committee whose main function is to coordinate the affairs of the Study Group. At the discretion of each Study Group additional MP`s may be designated as part of the Study Group Management Committee, as coordination needs may determine.
Select study groups below.
Mahlalela , Amos Fish
Dunjwa , Mary-Ann Lindelwa
Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding of Political Parties
Mohai , Seiso Joel
Ncube-Ndaba , Claudia Nonhlanhla
Mafu , Nocawe Noncedo
Bongo , Bongani Thomas
Dlakude , Dorries Eunice
Ad Hoc Committee on the Review of Parmed
Dikgale , Masefako Clarah
Ad Hoc Committee to Inquire into the intervention in the North West Provincial Government
Nyambi , Archibold Jomo
Mohai , Seiso Joel
Nyambi , Archibold Jomo
Committee on Auditor-General (G&M)
Matuba , Mookgo Maria
Mlenzana , Zola
Ntombela , Madala Louis David
Mpanza , Terence Skhumbuzo
Adams , Rachel Cecilia
Committee on Multi-Party Women's Caucus
Hlongo , Altia Sthembile
Constitutional Review Committee
Didiza , Angela Thokozile
Dikgale , Masefako Clarah
Disciplinary Committee
Magadzi , Dikeledi Phillistus
Finance & Administration Committee
Frolick , Cedric Thomas
Joint Committee on Constitutional Review
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Mkiva , Zolani
Nqola , Xola
Stock , Dikgang Mathews
Motshekga , Mathole Serofo
Bongo , Bongani Thomas
Joint Committee on Ethics & Members' Interests (G&M)
Landsman , Eric Riaan
Rayi , Mandla
Moshodi , Moji
Masondo , Nkosiyakhe Amos
Joint Standing Committee on Defence (P&S)
Bartlett , Martha
Dlakude , Dorries Eunice
Skosana , Gijimani Jim
Ndongeni , Nokuzola
Nchabeleng , Elleck Mamagase
Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (P&S)
Bebee , Lindiwe Christabola
Ncitha , Zukiswa Cheryl
Dlakude , Dorries Eunice
Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament
Rayi , Mandla
Motshekga , Mathole Serofo
Masondo , Nkosiyakhe Amos
Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Siwela , Elvis Kholwana
Mkiva , Zolani
Gina , Nomalungelo
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education (STC)
Siwela , Elvis Kholwana
Mkiva , Zolani
Gina , Nomalungelo
Portfolio Committee on Communications
Mthembu , Alice Hlebani
Bebee , Lindiwe Christabola
Xaba , Nhlanhla Vincent
Bongo , Bongani Thomas
Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs (G&M)
Mpumza , Gcinikhaya Gordon
Mthethwa , Enock Muzi
Portfolio Committee on Defence & Military Veterans (P&S)
Beukes , Alexandra Jennifer
Skosana , Gijimani Jim
Sotyu , Makhotso Magdeline
Portfolio Committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Bebee , Lindiwe Christabola
Gantsho , Nqabisa
Mapulane , Mohlopi Phillemon
Portfolio Committee on Health (STC)
Gela , Annah
Mkiva , Zolani
Ncube-Ndaba , Claudia Nonhlanhla
Mahlalela , Amos Fish
Adams , Rachel Cecilia
Dunjwa , Mary-Ann Lindelwa
Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology
Letsie , Walter Tebogo
Wolmarans , Matthew
Mchunu , Sibongile
Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs (G&M)
Chabane , Mosa Steve
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation
Matuba , Mookgo Maria
Mashego , Mfana Robert
Dangor , Mohammed
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Mkiva , Zolani
Mvana , Nonkosi
Wolmarans , Matthew
Zwane , Mosebenzi Joseph
Mafu , Nocawe Noncedo
Portfolio Committee on International Relations & Cooperation (P&S)
Mpanza , Terence Skhumbuzo
Lesoma , Regina Mina Mpontseng
Botes , Alvin
Portfolio Committee on Justice & Correctional Services (P&S)
Newhoudt-Druchen , Wilma Susan
Nqola , Xola
Skosana , Gijimani Jim
Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy
Mandela , Zwelivelile Mandlesizwe Dalibhunga
Luzipo , Sahlulele
Portfolio Committee on Police (P&S)
Maake , Jerome Joseph
Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises (ETC
Portfolio Committee on Public Service & Administration (G&M)
Mgweba , Teliswa
Dangor , Mohammed
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Landsman , Eric Riaan
Ntombela , Madala Louis David
Rayi , Mandla
Maswanganyi , Mkhacani Joseph
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Landsman , Eric Riaan
Ntobongwana , Nolitha
Rayi , Mandla
Mjobo , Lindiwe Ntombikayise
Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development (ETC)
Dangor , Mohammed
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Landsman , Eric Riaan
Xaba , Nhlanhla Vincent
Rayi , Mandla
Bongo , Bongani Thomas
Capa , Ndumiso
Portfolio Committee on Social Development (STC)
Capa , Rosemary Nokuzola Zoleka
Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts & Culture (STC)
Mkiva , Zolani
Seabi , Albert Mammoga
Bilankulu , Nkhensani Kate
Portfolio Committee on Tourism (ETC)
April , Heinrich Giovanni
Dangor , Mohammed
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Landsman , Eric Riaan
Rayi , Mandla
Mahlalela , Amos Fish
Makhubela-Mashele , Lusizo Sharon
Portfolio Committee on Trade & Industry (ETC)
Dangor , Mohammed
Hermans , Judy
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Landsman , Eric Riaan
Radebe , Bhekizizwe Abram
Rayi , Mandla
Mahlobo , Mbangiseni David
Mbuyane , Simanga Happy
Portfolio Committee on Transport (ETC)
Dangor , Mohammed
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Landsman , Eric Riaan
Rayi , Mandla
Seabi , Albert Mammoga
Mpanza , Terence Skhumbuzo
Magadzi , Dikeledi Phillistus
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities
Hlongo , Altia Sthembile
Dangor , Mohammed
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Mkiva , Zolani
Zwane , Mosebenzi Joseph
Bilankulu , Nkhensani Kate
Powers & Privileges Committee (G&M)
Luzipo , Sahlulele
Bongo , Bongani Thomas
Rules Committee
Koornhof , Gerhard Willem
Radebe , Bhekizizwe Abram
Motshekga , Mathole Serofo
Masondo , Nkosiyakhe Amos
Koornhof , Gerhardus Willem
Kubayi-Ngubane , Mmamoloko Tryphosa
Boroto , Mmatlala Grace
Dlakude , Dorries Eunice
Boroto , Mmatlala Grace
Select Committee on Appropriations (NCOP)
Mkiva , Zolani
Mlenzana , Zola
Mohai , Seiso Joel
Select Committee on Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs, Water and Sanitation and Human Settlements (NCOP)
Dangor , Mohammed
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Bebee , Lindiwe Christabola
Mkiva , Zolani
Stock , Dikgang Mathews
Ncitha , Zukiswa Cheryl
Select Committee on Education and Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture (NCOP)
Moshodi , Moji
Nchabeleng , Elleck Mamagase
Ndongeni , Nokuzola
Select Committee on Finance (NCOP
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Mkiva , Zolani
Rayi , Mandla
Mohai , Seiso Joel
Nchabeleng , Elleck Mamagase
Select Committee on Health and Social Services (NCOP)
Stock , Dikgang Mathews
Moshodi , Moji
Nchabeleng , Elleck Mamagase
Ndongeni , Nokuzola
Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy (NCOP)
Matibe , Tshitereke Baldwin
Bebee , Lindiwe Christabola
Nyambi , Archibold Jomo
Nchabeleng , Elleck Mamagase
Ncitha , Zukiswa Cheryl
Select Committee on Petitions & Executive Undertakings (NCOP)
Bebee , Lindiwe Christabola
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Mkiva , Zolani
Stock , Dikgang Mathews
Ncitha , Zukiswa Cheryl
Ndongeni , Nokuzola
Select Committee on Public Enterprises and Communication (NCOP)
Matibe , Tshitereke Baldwin
Dangor , Mohammed
Nyambi , Archibold Jomo
Nchabeleng , Elleck Mamagase
Ncitha , Zukiswa Cheryl
Select Committee on Security & Justice (NCOP)
Dodovu , Thamsanqa Simon China
Bebee , Lindiwe Christabola
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Mkiva , Zolani
Stock , Dikgang Mathews
Sotyu , Makhotso Magdeline
Ncitha , Zukiswa Cheryl
Ndongeni , Nokuzola
Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour (NCOP)
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Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure (NCOP)
Ndongeni , Nokuzola
Dikgale , Masefako Clarah
Standing Committee on Appropriations (ETC)
Mamaregane , Mmamora Liliet
Rayi , Mandla
Nchabeleng , Elleck Mamagase
Standing Committee on Finance (ETC)
Mahlangu , Dikeledi Gladys
Abraham-Ntantiso , Phoebe Noxolo
Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA)
Sub-Committee on review of Council Rules
Mohai , Seiso Joel
Sub-Committee on the High Level Panel
Dikgale , Masefako Clarah
Caucus Support Services is structured in a manner that should provide support in the following broad areas:
- General co-ordination and management of ANC Caucus operational Units.
- Management of staff, budget and other resources of Caucus.
- Input to political work in the Office of the Chief Whip; including contribution to Members` statements, Debates and Motions without notice.
- Co-ordination and provision of political research, primarily for use by Study Groups, Clusters as well as by individual Members.
- Media and communication services, through regular publications, media statements, press conferences, etc.
- Provision of logistical support to Parliamentary Constituency Offices (PCOs) in support of Members` constituency work responsibilities.
- Recruitment, placement, training and utilization of staff.
- Provision of administrative and secretarial staff support to Members on their day to day activities in Parliament and PCOs across the country.
The Mission of ANC Caucus Support Services is to co-ordinate the provision of effective and efficient support to Members of Parliament, enabling the ANC, through its public representatives to deliver on its mandate to the people of South Africa.
Caucus Support Services is structured into various operational Units that provide support to Members; and is directly accountable to the Office of the Chief Whip of the Majority Party.
Get in touch with ANC Caucus Support Services.